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Video On Demand

Relational Intelligence - The Key to Great Customer Service - NO CE

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No-CE On Demand |  Professional Development |  Professional Development - Agency Management
Kevin Amrhein
1 hr
Access for 90 day(s) after purchase.

Audience: Cam 5 Bundle



This program is eligible for a 25% discount if all 4 parts are purchased at the same time (all programs are available for purchase separately without a discount).

If you wish to purchase the bundle, add all programs to your cart here and contact Customer Service at 877-602-9877 to apply the discount and complete the purchase.


CAM 5  is the fifth course in IIAT's Certified Account Manager designation program.  This is the only one of the five CAM videos exclusively available through video and does not require the passing of an exam. CAM 5 consists of four videos; those looking to receive the CAM designation must register for and complete each of the four videos.


CAM 5- Relational Intelligence & Conflict Resolution:
Today’s leaders are defined by their ability to relate to staff’s needs and manage adverse situations that- if handled poorly- could cause irreparable harm. This course will help explain the concept of relational intelligence, why it matters and its role in resolving conflict.

This video is one of the four videos that make up IIAT’s CAM 5 course.
Note - 3 other videos  are included in the CAM 5 program. You must register for each of the four videos to complete CAM 5 and receive the CAM designation.  See the catalog to sign up:

      CAM 5- Managing Perceptions and the Customer Experience
      CAM 5- Effective Training of New Employees
      CAM 5- Business Body Language



Course Materials