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An Insurance Horror Story - Hoarders

Average Rating:
Commercial Lines - Specialty Policies |  Personal Lines - Specialty Policies |  MLIS Designation Update Qualified
Dawn Halkyard
2 Hours
Product Setting: Expires 30 day(s) after program date.



This class will look at characteristics that lead to hoarding and examine reasons why insurance companies may not want to insure the increased risks hoarding can bring. It will take a look at some famous hoarders in history, and the obsessive need to keep items. 

We will discuss some of the different types of items that are hoarder and the general issues they can cause. We will review actual insurance claims involving hoarders and discuss other possibilities that could lead to claims, whether damage to the property or from the property.

We will discuss how carriers can try to address the problem and discuss differences that make these unique claims handling situations.

Course Materials


Dawn Halkyard Related Seminars and Products

Dawn Halkyard is a licensed property and casualty Producer in Maine. She has worked in the insurance Industry since 2006 and in 2018 started Halkyard Insurance Resources and Educational Development, LLC. She holds many industry related certificates & Designations as she loves discussing and studying
Insurance. She currently works as a part time commercial lines account manager / Producer for a P&C Agency in the State of Maine. She is also a regular presenter for the Maine Insurance Agents Association. She is involved with the Insurance Professionals of Greater Portland and presents at conferences throughout New England.


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